Metatogger 7.5, just released, uses the major version 2.0 of the TagLib library. Audio files larger than 2 GB can now be edited in Metatogger.
February 2, 2024
As the end of 2023 approaches, Metatogger releases version 7.4.1. As well as improvements to the loading time of the main window, Metatogger now offers 12 additional themes to suit every user's taste. Themes can be selected from the File tab of the ribbon. You can switch between themes themes using the Alt+Left/Right keyboard shortcut, and immediately see the result.
December 23, 2023
Thanks to Jeroen Westera, the next Metatogger update will now be available in Dutch.
November 11, 2023
Metatogger can now be installed, updated and uninstalled with winget with the command winget install SylvainRougeaux.Metatogger
September 29, 2023
Metatogger binaries have been electronically signed since version 7.1, released in November 2021. This was to guarantee the integrity and origin of the software, but above all to avoid the unexpected and anxiety-inducing alerts from the Windows SmartScreen filter, which is often intolerant of new and therefore unknown software (which is by definition the case when an update is released), then considered suspicious or even malicious.
Unfortunately, the price of code-signing certificates has quadrupled this year. As a result, the price has become unreasonable in relation to the added value provided by this guarantee of authenticity.
As Metatogger does not generate any revenue, choices must necessarily be made regarding the use of resources allocated to the development of Metatogger.
June 16, 2023
Metatogger version 7.1 was released today. The main new feature of this version is the support of the Opus file format which is the natural successor of the Vorbis codec. Also, Metatogger binaries are now electronically signed, guaranteeing their authenticity and integrity.
May 30, 2021
Metatogger version 7.0.2 was released today. The main new feature of this minor version is the use of the Windows 10 audio playback engine, which is more stable and reliable than the one used until now. The drawback is that users who have not yet migrated to Windows 10 will no longer be able to use this feature. I remind you that the support of Windows 7 by Microsoft ended on January 14, 2020.
April 19, 2021
Version 7.0.1 of Metatogger was released today. The main new feature of this minor version is the tool for removing unwanted tags, whose interface has been completely redesigned. From now on, you just have to click on the tags to delete, without having to type them. The scope of the cleanup becomes much more predictable.
March 5, 2021
Version 7.0 of Metatogger was released today. The new features of this major version are mainly technical, linked to the use of the .NET 5.0 framework, now embedded in the software itself (it is no longer necessary to install it beforehand on the machine). Metatogger is now a 64 bits software, which should considerably limit memory problems. Gains in performance and reliability are also expected.
January 15, 2021
Thanks to 王晨旭, Metatogger is now available in Chinese.
October 23, 2020
In this version, hidden items in the workspace because filtered are not affected by the tag manipulation tools. It is possible to modify this behavior by setting to false
the ProtectFilteredItems parameter in the advanced settings file.
As expected, the lyrics search doesn't work anymore. With no viable alternative, I was forced to remove this feature.
October 14, 2020
The LyricWiki site announces its closure for September 21, 2020. After this date, the retrieval of song lyrics in Metatogger might not work anymore. Unfortunately, I don't know any alternative sites offering a similar service (free access to lyrics with an API). Probably the end of an era... 😔
September 9, 2020
First feature in 2020: changes made on audio files outside the software will be reflected in real time in Metatogger.
January 8, 2020
A preview of the future dark theme I'm working on.
September 22, 2019
The next version of Metatogger will require version 4.7.2 of the .NET Framework (provided by default with Windows 10 v1803). Those who don't have this minimum requirement are invited to install directly the .NET Framework 4.8 (provided by default with Windows 10 v1903).
June 29, 2019
Metatogger now has a script to transliterate Cyrillic characters into Latin characters (and vice versa).
June 19, 2019
Metatogger 6.0 has been released with a slightly redesigned interface and a new feature to reduce the size of embedded covers. And as always, many bugs fixed.
June 15, 2019
Most of the scripts in Metatogger have been updated to allow the user to easily indicate which tags the scripts should act on.
January 20, 2019
Metatogger 5.9.1, released today, contains a new audio playback engine that allows you to move forward or backward in playback by moving the slider provided for this purpose in the status bar.
March 9, 2018
You can now detach, anchor, move, resize the software's tool windows to your liking.
March 12, 2017
This new script allows you to correct the case of English titles; it capitalizes the first letter of the principal words.
February 19, 2017
Metatogger is now available in Russian, German, Spanish and Italian.
September 3, 2016
The next version of Metatogger will support long paths (more than 259 characters) under Windows 10 version 14393 (the "anniversary" update).
August 6, 2016
In addition to the usual bug fixes and performance optimizations, it is now possible to modify some advanced settings in the software, such as the ID3v2 standard to be used to save the tags of MP3 files.
July 17, 2016
Metatogger 5.6 will use C# scripts, which by default will be hosted on GitHub, in order to facilitate their sharing and updating.
December 28, 2015
Metatogger 5.5 is released! The software now relies on TagLib to read and write tags of audio files (including M4A files, in AAC format). "Uncommon" tags are now more common and useful than before.
_September 6, 2015
Here are the main new features and improvements of Metatogger 5.3:
March 18, 2015
Here are the main new features and improvements of Metatogger 5.1:
.Moreover, this version requires version 4.5 of the .NET Framework, not supported in Windows XP, operating system released 12 years ago.
January 5, 2014
For your information, here are the main new features and improvements of Metatogger 5.0:
July 30, 2013